Each winner must be present with a Cache Creek card and valid ID within five (5) minutes to be confirmed. Winners have five (5) minutes to claim prize.There is one (1) winner at each drawing.Drawings will take place every Saturday and Sunday at 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, and 9pm.Guests are limited to winning once per weekend.Earn entries between Monday and Sunday each week, excluding September 2, 2019 Entries are valid for the drawings held in the same week as earned only.Players also get a drawing entry for every 1,000 points earned per day, without having to swipe at the kiosks.
Swipes must be redeemed at kiosks by 11: 59pm on the day earned Daily kiosk prizes are drawing entries, Bonus Play and points.Cache Club members get one free entry at the red kiosks each day, and additional swipes for every 1,000 points earned that day (up to 11 swipes total per day).Must be a Cache Club member to participate.